
NIM Layer’s architecture is designed to create an accessible, scalable ecosystem for AI model fine-tuning, deployment, and monetization. NIM Layer empowers users to seamlessly participate in the AI economy by building the following features:

  • No-Code Studio Playground

  • Marketplace Integration

  • Profile Dashboard and Analytics

  • Token Integration

These features work together to form a unified platform: the Studio for fine-tuning, the Marketplace for monetization, and the Dashboard for insights and management. This interconnected system ensures that users can smoothly move from model creation to global distribution, all within a secure and scalable environment.

Security and Compliance

NIM Layer is designed with a strong focus on security and compliance. We prioritize the protection of AI models, datasets, and transactions using encryption and blockchain technology. To safeguard intellectual property and user assets, we implement security best practices across the platform. Additionally, we aim to comply with relevant legal standards, ensuring the platform operates transparently and securely for all participants.

Key Technologies and Frameworks

  • MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js): Used for building the front-end user interface.

  • Python: Python handles backend development, including model fine-tuning workflows, API endpoints, and data processing.

  • TensorFlow or PyTorch: For AI model integration, fine-tuning, and development.

  • Hugging Face: As a source for pre-trained AI models that users can fine-tune on the platform.

  • Base Layer 2 Blockchain: Ensuring low-cost, efficient blockchain transactions to support global access without high fees.

  • AWS: For scalable cloud hosting and model deployment.

  • Docker: For containerization, enabling seamless deployment and scaling of platform services.

  • FastAPI: For building fast and efficient backend services that enable communication across the platform.

  • PostgreSQL: A reliable database for managing user accounts, transactions, and platform data.

  • Redis: For caching and real-time data acceleration, improving platform performance.

Last updated